JCTA of LBI Meeting of 2/7/11
Steve Rabbitt Barnegat Light Bill Kunz Brant Beach
Charlie Gaver Harvey Cedars Bob Irvine LBT 10
Trish Monaco Loveladies Harbor Bob Monaco Loveladies P. O.
Pat Moran North Beach Jane O’Brien Barnegat Light
Barbara Lehman Harvey Cedars Charlie Kistler Surf City
The meeting was called to order at 7 PM; president Pat Moran presiding. The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Since we had a quorum available the minutes of the December and January meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer Bob Monaco presented his report our current balance is $4,802.32. Bob also reported a high Bar Harbor paid both their 2010 and their 2011 dues; however, only at $100 per year.
It was moved ,seconded and approved that the dues for 2011 the of hundred dollars per organization. President Moran will notify all organizations of the dues due.
Old business:
There were no discussions regarding Southern Regional.
LBI Consolidated:
Bulk of the meeting revolved around the feasibility study starting LBI Consolidated. President Pat Moran had a full copy of the study (at a cost of $37). While the report basically suggested that the Ethel Jacobson School be the surviving entity, albeit witha fairly significant additions. The report tended to focus on simply the construction issues without any commentaries on operating cost savings or increases, the deed restrictions and with what appears to be a simplistic approach to the financing of these additions.
The Superintendent made reference to misleading information from taxpayer groups during the budget approval last year. The JCTA suggested that he point out any points in question and we would be glad to take another look at them. It’s our belief that everything presented was factual and supportable.
The suggestion that a Citizens’ Committee be formed to assist the Board in implementing the suggestions was not met with much enthusiasm. Hopefully this will change with some reflection on their part. It is worth noting that the JCTA is in full support of LBI Consolidated having a grammar school on the Island, and in general with the recommendations of the Feasibility Study.
JCT – 2 – 2/7/1
It is perhaps interesting that Surf City and Mayor Connors would prefer to have the Ethel Jacson School closed so that they would gain ratable. How this will play out is yet to be determined.
A motion was made, seconded and passed directing the President to invite selected members of the LBI Consolidated to meet with the JCTA at our March meeting (3/7), and the Island members of the Southern Regional Board to our April (4/4) meeting.
Bill Kunz brought us up to date on Beach Replenishment – basically there is a question as to whether there will be any funds available for it this year, with the current atmosphere in Washington toward earmarks, and the like.
A motion was made and the meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.
Charlie Gaver
Next Meeting March 7, 2011.