Good evening folks,
I just returned from driving my husband to the bus in Lincroft for NYC and am aware a ton of information has come out in the hours I have been away. I am going to keep it simple and just cut and paste the info from the Emergency Management Team. I know we said we would keep it germaine to Harvey Cedars but that would take me awhile to edit. So, to be quick- here you go. In addition, I will answer five specific questions (posted in the comments section of Update 3 from yesterday) to the HCTA website after checking the answers out with HCTA President Phil Kunz. Please keep checking that out for question answers and updates. Phil stated Harvey Cedars will re reopened ‘for good’ if the nor’easter forecasted for later in the week spares the BLVD in North Beach and keeps it clear of sand. If that does not happen, the the long term re-opening will have to be reconsidered. Plan accordingly and stay safe all.
Limited Re-entry Instructions November 4, 2012, 3:20 p.m. Long Beach Island will be open to residents only, on Monday, November 5, 2012 from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Entry will take place from 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. No one will be permitted to enter after 12:00 noon. Due to unsafe conditions, there will be no access for residences of Holgate and North Beach. Residents must show their re-entry placard, driver’s license showing an LBI address or proof of residence (i.e., tax bill, deed, etc.). (Revised 11/4/12 4:33 p.m.)
New Jersey Natural Gas Hurricane Sandy Response Update November 3, 2012, 3 p.m. (WALL) — In the 72 hours since New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) shut off natural gas service to the hurricane-damaged areas of Long Beach Island, and Bay Head to Seaside Park, NJNG has begun its on-the-ground assessment of the damage to the system and restoration requirements. NJNG also has made an initial, official request to FEMA for up to 5,100 electric space heaters. Until this request is approved, the Red Cross advises that nearby heated shelters with hot meals and cots are available at Pinelands Regional High School in Tuckerton, Southern Regional High School in Manahawkin, and Pine Belt Arena in Toms River. Damage Assessment The current damage assessment is the first step in a sequential process to restore service. Each section of the pipeline must be rigorously evaluated to check for all damage, including breaks and water intrusion. Once this assessment is completed, a determination can be made as to whether some sections of the pipeline can be salvaged. Damaged sections will need to be rebuilt. Restoration Plan Developing a restoration plan is the next step in the process, and it can only be reliably undertaken once the full extent of the condition of the system is known. As soon as the plan is finalized, NJNG will share with customers how the restoration process will unfold. Work will be undertaken in stages, starting closest to the point of supply and then working outward. Some areas will be completed before others. It is important to note that even at that point, a precise schedule will be impossible to provide, because the speed of the work will depend on the conditions encountered block by block, and house by house. Individual Service All customers who have had service interrupted—both within and outside the shut-off areas– should be advised that when their area does have natural gas service, the following conditions must be met before service can be restored: first, their home must be habitable and they must have returned to it; second, their home must have electricity; and third, any furnaces, boilers or appliances exposed to flooding damage must be serviced and determined, by qualified technicians, to be safe for use. Communication NJNG is committed to keeping our affected customers informed at every step of this process. We will be mailing an update to affected customers by November 9. Customers can also obtain up-to-date information on our web site,, on Facebook, and through the media. We know how frustrating this process is. It is a long, exacting process that must be done safely and correctly at every step of the way. It is why we worked so hard to try and save service to all our customers before making the decision to shut down the system. We will not rest until service is restored to all of our customers. For reference, listed below are some of the frequently asked questions we are receiving from all our customers—both within and outside of our shut-off areas. My natural gas service was interrupted during the storm, how do I get service restored? If your meter has been turned off by an NJNG technician or your service was interrupted during the storm, and you are now ready for service to be restored, please call us at 800-221-0051. A service technician will be dispatched to your home or business to reconnect service. Do not try to turn it back on. Only a licensed service technician may perform this task. • In order to restore natural gas service, our technicians require safe and clear access to your home, as well as electricity. Please be sure that your equipment is clear of any standing water. This will help to ensure the safety of you and our employees. • If your natural gas meter was under water, see the response to the following question. What should I do if my natural gas meter was under water? Please contact NJNG at 800-221-0051 to schedule an appointment so that we can change the regulator and the meter at no cost to you. What should I do if my natural gas appliances were under water? If your home or business was flooded and the natural gas appliances were under water, do not attempt to operate the appliances. Please contact a qualified plumber or appliance service contractor, for a safety inspection to ensure that appliances and controls were not damaged.
November 4, 2012 11:45 a.m. This is a Hurricane Sandy update. The rescue stage is believed to be behind us with no known injury or death. We are focused on recovery and progress continues in the restoration of utilities and roadways. Significant clearing of streets and building of a dune berm is occurring. Electricity has been restored on approximately 70% of the island. The Natural gas situation is being assessed and we are continuing to work with NJ Natural Gas. We are meeting with County and State officials today to discuss limited reentry. A Nor’easter is forecast mid-week, which may complicate temporary reentry. Residents may contact FEMA at 800-621-3362 to file claims. It is important that homeowners begin this process before they return. Business owners may contact your respective towns to get information on reentry to assess your business. Please be patient and know that much has been accomplished and we are working hard to get people back on the island. Building Contractors November 4, 2012, 10:30 a.m. Long Beach Township Office of Emergency Management: authorized building contractors are to report to their assignments. Long Beach Island Joint Office of Emergency Management Hurricane Sandy Updated Status November 3, 2012 9 p.m. Workers are continuing to work to restore utilities on Long Beach Island. Crews have been working diligently to restore power and gas services. Currently there is no water or sewer service in the southern part of the island. The Long Beach Island Health Department is monitoring any health issues that may arise. Efforts are being made to repair these utilities also. Road crews are working with outside contractors to clear roads from sand and debris. Many areas are impassable on both ends of the island. There has been damage to may ocean front homes as well as many in the Holgate section of Long Beach Island. There are teams out actively assessing this damage on roadways and on properties. The local municipalities are being supported by Ocean County assets as well as the National Guard. A curfew has been put in place for all towns on Long Beach Island. No One is allowed out from 6 PM to 6 AM. This is being strictly enforced by the Island Police Departments, State Police, and the Ocean County Prosecutors Office. The State Police and The Ocean County Sheriffs Department are actively patrolling the waters around the island to prevent people entering by boat. No one should be returning to the island except for those contractors and resources that have bee requested by the towns.
A Nor’easter is forecast mid-week which may complicate temporary reentry. Please be patient and know that much has been accomplished and our commitment to you is unwavering.
Kaplers Pharmacy Prescriptions
November 3, 2012, 9 p.m.
Kaplers Pharmacy is operating out of their sister store Medicine To Go Pharmacies in Forked River. They have access to the pharmacy computer and can retrieve prescription information. People can call (609) 242-1400.
Homeowners are asked not to call for property status or checks. Please do not try to contact the police department if it is not a true medical or safety emergency. We will try to update you as soon as possible as to the condition of our community.We are working on making the Island safe so that the public may return. please try to be patient. Thank you SL/HCTA