It’s almost Fall: HCTA members!
We hope you enjoy the last official weekend of Summer-hopefully, here in Harvey Cedars. Thank you to everyone who attended the HCTA Annual Meeting last weekend at the firehouse and- Thank you for renewing your membership. We don’t want to see memberships lapse, so if you have yet to renew, please send your annual dues of $25.00 (checks made out to the HCTA) to PO Box 3065, Harvey Cedars, NJ 08008. By the end of September, we will complete the updating of our records and we will be eliminating any email addresses that are not currently associated with a dues paying member. Please do not let this happen as you can expect to receive these informational emails in the future. Your continued support and ideas keep the HCTA moving forward!
For those members that were unable to attend our Annual Meeting, in the next week or so, we will be sending out the Minutes from this meeting so you can keep abreast of what we and your fellow taxpayers are discussing. As always, Minutes from the Annual Meeting and from our year round Trustee meetings are posted on our website at (As well as pertinent information concerning taxpayers, our town, etc.)
We would like to let you know of a few dates and events that will be coming up in the next month. Mark your Calendars:
*On Saturday, Sept 8th, 2012: Free Health Screenings at the Family Health and Safety Fair from 9:00-11:30 AM at the St Francis Community Center – 4700 Long Beach Blvd- LB Township. This service is sponsored by St. Francis Church, So. Ocean Medical Center and LBI Health Dept.
*Antique and Classic Boat Show’s Port o ‘Call at Tuckerton Seaport. Sept 8 and 9. Two days of classic wood and glass boat exhibitors, demos. Workshops, crafters, vendors, food and maritime activities. Call 609-296-8868 or visit for more information.
*Sunday, Sept 9th is the Red Cross sponsored Rock and Ride bike trek on Long Beach Island. It starts at Sunset Park in HC. For more info call 732-493-9100 x 1227.
*Viking Village Antique Show- Sunday, Sept 16 in Barnegat Light, 1801 Bay Ave from 9am-5pm. Check out the Viking Village website for more weekend event through out the fall.
*Utility payments are “DUE” to Harvey Cedars on Sept 25th. Other due dates are: Dec. 25th, Mar 25th, June 25th. (water and sewer)
*Chowderfest Weekend- A good time can be had by all whether you love to scout a good bargin at the Merchant Mart on Saturday or tempt your palate with a variety of chowders on Sunday- Sept 29 and 30 at 9th Street and Taylor Ave ball field in Beach Haven. This year’s theme is ‘Clam Chowder in Paradise’. Tickets for Chowder tasting are $20 Adults/$10 kids- regular admission or $50 VIP- which is early admission and includes an event t shirt. Call the SOCCC at 609-494-7211 to order by phone or stop by the Ship Bottom office on 9th Street to purchase in person. Rain or Shine.
* Calling all Golfers! Come enjoy a beautiful day of golf, fun, prizes and friends for a good cause! Thursday, October 4th is the 13th Annual Harry T. Marti Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit the High Point Volunteer Fire Company of Harvey Cedars. The event will be held at the Ocean Acres Golf Club and the deadline for registration or a sponsorship is Sunday, Sept 30. Please contact Robbie Federicci at 609-276-9182 or 609- 494-9169 ASAP to register or support the fire company with a donation. All proceeds will benefit our fire company.
* YUMMY! Plan to attend the Roast Beef Dinner at the 80th Street -High Point Firehouse on October 6th. This is another opportunity to visit with your HC neighbors and support our volunteer fire company! Take out is available starting at 2pm. The sit down dinner and entertainment/auction is from 4pm to 8pm.
Lighthouse Challenge of NJ is October 20 & 21:Saturday 8am to 8pm, Sunday 8am to 6pm
Lighthouse enthusiasts climb every lighthouse in the state over this two day event.
Cost: $3. Need a place to stay? Holiday Inn of Toms River has great rates for Lighthouse Challenge Weekend.
*Fall- Winter: Free blood pressure screening : Island Branch Ocean County Library 217 South Central Ave in Surf City. The LBI Health Dept. provides the service. No appointment is needed. 11AM – first come, first served.
In case of RAIN- check with the event coordinator to ensure the event to proceeding as scheduled.
Again- thank you Members for your support. Look for more information/updates from the HCTA in the next few weeks.
The HCTA Board of Trustees