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The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences (LBIF) Science Saturdays


The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences (LBIF) codially invites everyone to attend the 2012 Science Saturdays series of presentations designed to enlighten and entertain. Presented in a relaxed, social setting, the presentations are free to all and deal with a wide range of environmental issues. Best of all, they are presented in an easy-to-understand, layman-focused manner. The series begins Saturday, January 21st and continues through Saturday April 7th. Sessions are held at the Foundation in Loveladies from 11:00 until noon.

Coffee will be served, so please join your friends and neighbors for these informative sessions, the first of which, on January 21st deals with “The Energy Independence Project: 20/20 by 20202.” Presented by John Petralia, this session will attempt to answer the question: Can LBI become energy-independent by the year 2020?

The full schedule of Science Saturdays presentations is:

January 21st: The Energy Independence Project. Speaker: John Petralia

Also given at the Surf City Library at 1:30.

January 28th: Perspective on Gov. Christie’s 10 Point Plan for Banegat Bay: Speaker: Gef Flimlin

February 4th: History and Ecology of Barnegat Bay: Speaker: Marc LaBella

February 11th: Defenders of Wildlife: Speaker: Frank Zalvino

February 18th: The Coast Guard on LBI: Speaker: Mark DeBonis, CPO USCG

Febraury 25th:Understanding of EStuarine Ecosystems: Speaker: Roland K. Hagan

March 3rd: Overview of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge: Speaker:

Virginia Rettig. Also given at the Maritime Museum in Beach Haven at 1:30

March 10th: Birding 101: Speaker: Susan Puder and Linda Gangi

March 17th: The NJ Osprey Project: Speaker: Ben Wurst

March 24th: Magnificent Monarchs: Speaker: Mary Lenahan

March 31st: Beneath the Garden State; Exploring Aquatic NJ. Speaker: Herb Segars

Also given at the Maritime Museum in Beach Haven at 1:30

April 7th: Turtles and terrapins: No Place to Rest. Speaker: John Wnek

All sessions begin at 11:00. Please note that several presentations will also be repeated at the above noted locations.

For More Information, call the LBIF at 609-494-1241

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